“New Austrian Architecture(オーストリアの新しい建築)”は、オーストリアの新進気鋭の建築事務所6つに光を当て、それぞれの代表作とテーマ「責任」についてのアイデアや考えを紹介する巡回展です。
Address: SHIBAURA HOUSE (3 Chome-15-4 Shibaura, Minato City, Tokyo 108-0023)
1. Breathe Earth Collective
2. Juergen Strohmayer
3. materialnomaden
4. Studio Jakob Sellaoui
5. Some Place Studio
6. TAB
Hosted by the Japan-Austria Architecture & Culture Association (JAACA)
Partnership: rewrite_U and Austrian Cultural Forum Tokyo @austrocultjapan
Co-organized by Daiki Nakagawa + Mario Vielgrader
Sponsorship: SHIBAURA HOUSE @shibaburahouse
Curator: Gianpiero Venturini @gpieroventurini
Exhibition design: Itinerant Office @itinerantoffice
Photo credit (c) ÖKF Tokio/Stanislav Kogiku
In cooperation with / with the support of: Austrian Cultural Forum Rome, Austrian Federal Ministry of European and International Affairs (BMEIA), Austrian Federal Ministry of Culture (BMKÖS)
#SHIBAURAHOUSE #tokyo #austrianarchitecture #newaustrianarchitecture #youngarchitecture